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          SEASON 2.....EPISODE 10

She turned on the light giving us a bright view and pulled the coffee chair around the dinning table. She sat at the edge of the chair and relaxed her head on her crossed palm supporting her aft head ready to listen to us... She was now our object of focus . We both looked at her and looked at each other's face. I could sense Lizzy's was nervous. The weather was quite cold but I could see beads of sweat all over her face... My mom kept looking at us waiting for us to spit out our problem ... I broke the silence 
NAA DROMOR: mom, she's afraid to let you know Andrew wants her to pay him a visit.
     Mom smiled....Lizzy looked at me, I could sense her relief...
NAA DROMOR: she's afraid you will get furious .
    She got off her chair and held Lizzy by the arms .
MOM: its fine, you can surely go to see him. You are no more a kid... You've made me proud by keeping your virginity till this stage. I know how it feel when a man starts asking you to come visit him and the fear you feel within .I urge you to go ahead . Besides he is your soon to be  husband... 
   She smiled at us, Lizzy smiled back and I did too. 
MOM: its late, you ladies should go to sleep we will talk in the morning.
     She entered her room and locked the door... Lizzy stared at me in amazement.
NAA DROMOR: don't give me that look .
LIZZY: She smiled at me.... You saved me
NAA DROMOR: not yet, you have to find a way to tell her about that unborn u can find solution to it.
LIZZY: hmm.. Am confused .
   I entered my room leaving her in the dinning hall. The next morning we all sat  around the table and had breakfast in silence .I kept looking at my supposed father wondering why he joins us at the table lately. His sight pisses me off than anything in this world. He kept giving me a wicked look then I broke the silence...
NAA DROMOR: mom! Why do some fathers have sex with their children even some step children or their nieces or sometimes house helps as far as getting them pregnant. Does society not frown on such deeds and fathers ?
   My mom was shocked at the question. My supposed father quickly dropped his spoon including everyone present at the table. They all gazed at me in awe.
MOM: Its a taboo and a shame for that matter .Such a father must be castrated for an abominable and unpardonable deed like this. I will personally throw such father into jail  if he's my husband or even my father .
    I smiled, everyone lost interest in the delicious special oat prepared by my mom. The man gazed at me wishing to say something but was drenched in guilt and shame. She continued.....
MOM: that father is misfit, heartless and deserves nothing but death..... Where did you hear such news from? 
NAA DROMOR: it's not a news mom, its a novel titled "BED SHEET" I chanced on the  shelves at the mart the other time and picked to read...
MOM: I see, I should read that book as well. Honey what's your sentiment and take on such story?
   He looked confused, he started fumbling just then he was saved by the  bell. A knock came on the door . Deemah got up to reach for it, she directed the visitor to come in... (Wow). I said that in my mind . A young handsome looking gentleman stood behind the door watching us from a distance.
MANUEL: good morning, 
    We all watched him.....
MANUEL: Aunty Roseline gave me your address. She said you needed a tutor for your daughter . 
    A tutor? I was surprised... She never spoke to me about this and what is that for... She smiled at the young man and invited him to join us at the table even though we were rounding up. He declined the offer .She instructed Deemah to serve him fruit juice to refresh himself since he had journeyed a bit if he cared for. He declined again . Now this was the biggest news for me... My mom broke the news that I failed my maths and science in the WAEC examination.... But how? I thought my mom told me some months ago that I made her proud by passing my exams, so where from this? Anyway...after their long conversation they agreed on the teacher coming every evening at 8pm because he works with Rabbit Imagination and can only come around 8pm.... After breakfast mom opted to give my new teacher a lift since he's going her direction. Deemah and I were left in the house. I entered my room and called uncle Ato, he sounded very pleased hearing from me....I was extremely happy when he told me he was back in town. I narrated Creamy's issue to him and asked him for help. He asked me to meet him up so we go to the police station. I quickly got dressed and called Lizzy to find out which station he was detained. I stepped out of the house, met him at my junction and he drove straight to the police station...I broke down in uncontrollable tears when I saw Creamy .He looks pale and skinny . His face looked quite bushy and his eyes were becoming sunky.  After what I will call a long conversation between Ato and policemen , I was interrogated as well before Creamy was granted bail.. That was my happiest moment ever....

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