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We all stood still wondering what could possibly be the reason for the beeping and her movement, uncle ATO quickly rushed to call
UNCLE ATO: call the Dr.. Call the Dr.
He yelled holding on tight to my mom, Asantewaa run out out then came back with the nurse, Dr. Anderson followed with his assistant. Creamy held me tight as I watched my mom shake on her bed. The Dr. commanded the nurse, they kept running up and down the ward injecting her and checking on the machine, finally she stopped shaking while the Dr. did his check, we all watched. The Dr. shook his head looking at me in the eye . Uncle Ato busted out so loud wailing like a baby. There I knew the worse has happened. The nurses begun disconnecting the machines, removing the oxygen mask. They all watched me, at that point I couldn't cry . I had already cried my lungs out I guess. Dr. Anderson held me by the hand
Dr. Anderson : am sorry Naa
NAA DROMOR: I know...
It was a sad moment for me, lost my cousin and my mom in just two days, who is next? Is it me? I asked myself ?
The news spread like wild fire, the whole neighborhood came to sympathize with me because am the only one left in my small family.
Days passed and preparation for their burial was ongoing . Asantewaa showed me the meaning of real friendship, she was with me throughout this hard times.
Andrew, Brian, Ray and Creamy didn't leave my side either . I had lost appetite for weeks, I could hardly eat nor sleep , it was a hard time for me.
I was taking a nap one afternoon when Creamy entered my room . He asked Asantewaa to excuse us, he brought me food and drink, he fed me and made sure I took enough so I don't fall sick. He handed over the white envelope to me
NAA DROMOR: what is this?
CREAMY: I went for your lab report a couple of days ago . I had wanted you to come out from this trauma before letting you have the result but on a second thought I felt it was right for you to have it now.
NAA DROMOR: I know am a carrier of the disease.
I dropped a tear . He looked at me
CREAMY: how did you know?
NAA DROMOR: because my mother has been living with the virus for the past five years and I was sharing her man with her...
Creamy dropped a tear too..
NAA DROMOR: am sorry to disappoint you Creamy.
He looked at me but said nothing...
NAA DROMOR: I know Lizzy, Edward, and Deemah are also carriers, even my brother Andrew .
CREAMY: pull yourself together Naa
I broke down into uncontrollable tears
NAA DROMOR: soon am going to join my mom and my cousin . What more do I live for carrying this deadly disease..
Creamy was mute as I spoke, suddenly he busted out so loud sobbing like a baby . At a point I thought he was crying because of me but I noticed something . He started coughing so loud, he held his chest and went down on his knees spitting out blood. I got scared then held him
NAA DROMOR: Oh no ! What is wrong with you, let me take you to the hospital .
He shook his head as he wiped his mouth with his white handkerchief..
CREAMY: I've always wanted to tell you this but I think this is the right time to let you know. Am suffering from lung cancer .
I opened my mouth wide watching him in total shock..
CREAMY: Yes! I've been undergoing treatment for the past two years . I don't have the mean anymore to take care of my ailment. My days are being numbered .
His words broke my heart but I couldn't say a word..
NAA DROMOR: God, what is happening? I will talk to my father about it, He may be of help.
That night I spoke to uncle Ato about Creamy, he felt disturbed about his health condition . He then called his Dr. friend and arranged an immediate appointment with the two..
UNCLE ATO: will pick you up first thing in the morning so we go see the Dr.
Creamy nodded
UNCLE ATO: don't worry, you will be fine.
As we spoke on the compound Deemah came out of the tenant's room shedding tears

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