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He quickly took off his hands from the Deemah's dress when he saw me .He pretended to be talking to the girl, I couldn't believe my eyes after what  I saw .Out of shock I didn't reach for my mom again....


    I called her with a commanding voice, which I knew I shouldn't have but I couldn't control my anger at that time...she quickly run to me..

NAA DROMOR: Kindly bring me the hot water from the kitchen 

  The tenant and I exchanged glances as the girl entered the kitchen. We both entered my room, I watched her pour the water into the bucket in my bath room. I asked her to sit next to me on my bed as she tried to walk out in a haste .

NAA DROMOR: how old are you? 

DEEMAH: Am 21 years 

   I was quiet shocked, I thought she was my age mate because she looks quiet smallish but very curvy..... 

NAA DROMOR: do you know who that man is ?

DEEMAH: yes, your father

      Now that got me all boiled up... Was that what my mother told her? 

NAA DROMOR: has he been harassing you?

DEEMAH: no ooo, not at all...

NAA DROMOR: what was he doing to you a few minutes ago?

DEEMAH: nothing, he was only asking me a question...

     I was surprised  the girl was denying being touched by my "supposed father"  I watched her for a while then asked her to go....

        That night after dinner, I helped Deemah clear the table, even though she didn't want me to help her it has always been my duty.. I kept looking at her as she washed the plates.. After clearing the table, I entered Lizzy's room to check on her since she couldn't join us at the dinning because she's not feeling well...

NAA DROMOR: mom said you not feeling well? 

LIZZY: hmmm....

NAA DROMOR: what's wrong with you?

LIZZY: I don't know

NAA DROMOR: mom said you are refusing to visit the hospital... Why?

     She said nothing, I wondered why.. I tried to fish out what could possibly be the problem but she was not ready to tell me.....

     Later that night... I was laying flat on my back facing the ceiling and clinging tight to my big new fluffy teddy bear thinking about Creamy. I tried calling his line but was to no avail. It was past 12 midnight, the whole house was in total silence, suddenly I heard a movement at the main door... I was slowly stepped out of my bed and peeped through my door, I saw the person walk out and closed the door... (Who could that be) I asked myself.The only person I had in mind was Deemah the house help. I quickly slipped into my morning coat and slowly stepped out, slowly opened the main door and peeped through... (Gosh! What could Lizzy be doing up at this time heading towards the tenants door)? I asked myself... She kept looking back and forth as she lurked into his room. I slowly followed up looking back as well. Who knows someone might be watching me as well..... I went close to the window trying to peep but the window was closed and covered with the curtains.... After sometime I heard voices but could not hear clearly . I walked to the door and turned the nob. It wasn't locked, I pushed the door, entered the room and leaned behind the door slowly without making any noise... I just couldnt believe my ears......

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