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The worse day of my life! I was up all night still reflecting and sobbing over the issue, the nurse kept consoling me . She didn't leave for the house because of me even though she was off duty . My cousin and my mother had left for the house. (If creamy was here, he would have kept me company). This kept running through my mind... The nurse kept calming me down but the pain I felt within was heavier than anybody could imagine.... 

NURSE: look, you should put yourself together, you have to think about your health  now than thinking of anyone else.. You are not helping yourself at you want to die?

NAA DROMOR: why didn't you tell them the truth? Are you that heartless to watch the innocent guy arrested? 

      I busted out, raising my voice...she gave me a surprised look.

NURSE: what are you talking about?  Which truth? Am confused

NAA DROMOR: why didn't you tell the police he wasn't the one that brought me here.... and that he knew nothing about it

NURSE: I know nothing about it Naa, I wasn't on duty that night you were brought in....

     I realised her ignorance about the story after asking a couple of questions...I narrated everything to her, out of shock she shared a tear and promised me she's going to help me get Creamy out of jail.

     A week passed and I was still in that bed slowly recovering, mom and Lizzy run shift in taking care of me but to me that wasn't enough, there was something missing..... Every minute of my thoughts was based on Creamy.

     One morning my mom entered my ward with so much smiles and excitement, she started packing my stuffs, I watched her but said nothing because that was how I had been for the past one week and some days...

MOM: you are going home....

  She said smiling at me...I looked at her with a my straight face and said nothing (huh! Finally...I will get to see Creamy) .I said that in my mind with some kind of joy and  excitement in my heart... My mom carried my bag, the nurse helped me off the bed and held me to the car park... (Wow...I haven't seen the sun in weeks). I got furious upon seeing the tenant sitting in the car waiting for us to take off, but I had no choice than to take my sit and enjoy the drive home. The nurse helped me sit, she smiled at me, handed a business card .

NURSE: call me...

    She whispered as my mom took the front seat...

TENANT: How are you feeling now Naa ?

   I looked away and pretended not to hear him talk to me .

MOM: Naa, your father is talking to you.

NAA DROMOR: mom am not feeling too well please...

 He drove off.....throughout the ride home, there was total silence in the car....

    Finally we were home.... My house looks quiet different in my site .I stepped out of the car, suddenly a young fair colored young girl who could be my age came out from the house run to my mom and carried my bag into the room . I gazed at her and looked at my mom in the eye, she only smiled at me but said nothing.  I watched the lady walk back into the house carrying my bag... She's quiet skinny and very curvy, she has pointed buttocks sizable for her body... She had a corn roll on which looked a bit messed up...

  We followed up into the room.....I sat in the sofa facing the tenant...

MOM: Deemah....


     She runs into the living room with her two hands behind mom introduced me to her as her only daughter . 

MOM: that is Deemah, I brought her from the village to help with house chores since Lizzy will be leaving us soon...

NAA DROMOR: leave us? Where to? 

MOM: Andrews parents are coming to ask for her hand in marriage..... 

    I was shocked, she commanded the girl to go back to the kitchen, she seem quiet excited even though I didn't know why. My mom got up to get dinner ready, the tenant kept looking at me straight in the eye.... I slowly got up and entered my room to wash down. There was total change in my room. For close to 10 minutes I stood in my room trying to figure out what was missing  or added in my room... OK! The curtains were new, three new teddy bears, new colored bed sheet and pillow case .I loved it, I had no choice than to smile... Rushing out to the living room to say thanks to my mom I bumped into the tenant fondling Deemah's breast....


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