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Lizzy stood still watching in awe . My mom dropped her bag and angrily snatched the bowl which contained milk and corn flakes from Creamy. She placed it on the  side table attached to my bed and grabbed Creamy by the shirt raising her voice thereby causing a scene. She got the attention of other patient , nurses , doctors and relatives who had come to visit .
MOM: what did you do to my daughter ? Huh!!!  What did you do to her?
   Creamy stood still, he uttered no word but just watched my mom manhandle him...
NAA DROMOR: Mom, he's.....
MOM: Shut up, let me deal with this rapist. 
    She yelled at me ,I was surprised at my mom's inactions, the nurses on duty trooped in in groups to watch what was actually going on and to restore peace . Lizzy stood still, drenched in shock and fear.... Some of the nurses tried to free Creamy from my mom's grip on his well and neatly ironed shirt..
MOM: you people should let me go, let me deal with this rapist....
CREAMY: mom, please......
   Before he could say a word my mom landed a slap on his face....I felt a sharp pain in my heart.... 
NAA DROMOR: mom....
  I yelled but the rest of the words remained in my mouth.... From nowhere tears started running down my cheek . The nurse asked me to lay in my bed since I had not fully recovered and my health was still under check .I realised I had started bleeding again. My mom walked out of the clinic .Lizzy still watched Creamy as he tried to hide his face from the crowd. I could sense his embarrassment, shame and the pain he felt within .He had a teary eyes but the tears couldn't. I felt like holding him from the distance .I didn't know what to say to him. The nurses and some of the patients who rushed to observe the scene went back to their duty.. There was total dead silence in the ward. None of us said a word, both of them gazed at each other ..... Suddenly the silence was broken.
LIZZY: did you do it?
CREAMY: do what?..... Hell no! I can never do such thing.
LIZZY : what are you doing with my sister
She raised her voice 
CREAMY: Wait! Are you also going hail insults and accusations like your mom just did ? Go on... Hit me, come on..... 
  They started arguing...
NAA DROMOR: you two should stop...please stop !!!!
    I broke down in uncontrollable tears
They both stared at me.. Creamy held me by the hand trying to console me....
LIZZY: don't touch her bastard...
    He just stared at her but said nothing.. This young man has a heart of gold, he's a gentleman inside out... Lizzy started pouring insults on him, but he said nothing... I couldn't take it no more, I started fighting Lizzy for him . He tried to shut me up but I didn't, suddenly I felt dizzy and started going for air, Creamy called the nurse, she gave me an injection and placed back the mask on my nose to sustain and stabilize my condition... The nurse got angry and started pouring her anger on Lizzy.. 
NURSE: What is all this? If anything happens to this young lady you and your mom should hold yourselves responsible... This young man has devoted his time and energy to your sister's well being and the best way you and your mom will thank him is to humiliate him? Come on, you two should know better.... He still tried to calm me down, robbing his hands through my hair...suddenly my mom entered the ward with two police men, I was frightened, I knew she had called for Creamy's arrest... She pointed at Creamy 
MOM: that's the rapist....
  One of the officers commanded the other police man to arrest him....Creamy didn't move, neither did he say a word, I started shivering .My heart started racing .I tried to remove the tube supplying oxygen through my nose but the nurse held me...
NURSE: please don't, you can harm your yourself .

   The police man handcuffed creamy without any resistance, he looked me in the eye . I realised beads of sweat forming on his forehead and dropped a tear... They officers pushed him out as if he was a criminal... Oh God... I wish I could do something, I wished I could get off my bed and tell everybody he has committed no crime it but the nurse wouldn't permit me.....Sad moment it is......



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