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We both looked at each others face as she entered the scene, she had her mouth wide open...she dropped her hand bag and quickly rushed to the man laying helplessly on the floor in a pool of blood.The heavy hard mug had broken into tiny pieces. I looked at both of them still clinging tight to the wall in fright while I still fought myself trying to gather some energy.The tears couldn't stop flowing down my cheeks .I could feel beads of sweat on my face but trust me my face was totally dry.My body kept vibrating as my heart beat kept increasing on its speed limit.Lizzy tried to wake the man up but he didn't open his eyes....
LIZZY: What did you do to him!
  She yelled...that question got me more frightened, for the first time,i've seen a man die in my presence.Lizzy begun screaming for help.She dashed out with speed like a thunder lightening.I was still in my track looking at my supposed step father on the ground(God, is this man dead...?
Did i kill him?).This was what kept resounding in my mind.I could hear voices and foot steps from outside.Out of guilt and fright,i dashed out of the room.I met a couple of next door neighbours on my compound but I didn't stop to look. They all stared at me whiles i took my heels out of the house.I run faster than my legs could carry.Far away from home,i sat under a big tree reflecting on what had happened and what could possibly be happening at that time?.... (where do i go to?..what should i do?..who should I tell?).This was running through my mind.


I can't go home, my mother will slay me. The only option I had was to go to Creamy's house but I didn't have a dime on me not even my phone to call him. For hours i sat under the tree looking miserable and confused in thoughts. I took to the street begging people to give me money so i can pick a car to Creamy's house but, no one gave me a penny.Some even thought i was mad and others thought I was a fraudster.I had an idea,i can board a taxi straight to Creamy's house even though i didnt have money,hoping to meet him at home and make him pay.I quickly stopped the next taxi,jumped into it and directed him to my destination.I was surprised at the price he mentioned, quiet cheaper than I thought.I quickly hoped into the car and off he took .On our way the driver kept looking at me through his front mirror... I was wondering wat could possibly be the reason..? 
Now I was getting scared at his look....
NAA DROMOR: why are you looking at me;i quizzically asked.Anything the matter?
DRIVER: Nothing... Am sorry...
We drove on and on. My mind wasn't stable.Suddenly, he pulled over in front of a brown gate on a quiet street in an estate which was quiet a distance to Creamy's house. 
DRIVER: Madam, please give me a minute.I want to hand over something to my madam....
NAA DROMOR: OK but pls don't be long...
Before I could finish my statement he had already entered the house.I was drenched in fear,I kept looking around as if I was being chased by someone..... Not long after he came out with two guys... My heart started panting,i looked around and there was no single soul passing by.Who could be of help to me if these boys decide to harm me? The driver opened the door and the other two boys just watched me.
DRIVER: You dey kai am?
GUY1: Naaah..
DRIVER: ibe sake of this girl the boy beat you for the club last Saturday ....
GUY1: Yeah, Come down.
NAA DROMOR: please don't harm me .
 They forced me to come out of the taxi  ..when i refused, the other guy carried me with force and lifted me onto his broad shoulder .I tried screaming but the other guy held me by my the mouth...
 He threw me into the sofa, the dust that came out of the sofa can kill an asthmatic patient. The three boys surrounded me. They asked me if I remembered them, I couldn't make them out until the other guy took off his cap.... OMG!...the guy ihad sex with at the club, i became more nervous, he looked at me angrily .I tried begging for mercy but all he did was to laugh... He pulled a long chair and sat in front of me.
GUY 1: Where is the guy...
    I pretended I didn't know who the guy was .He threatened to kill me if i don't tell him where Creamy lives. He insisted..but i never did.... He started unzipping his flap then pulled down his shorts 
GUY 1: Let's finish what we started.......

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