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🤗He gave me a closer look... He pushed  me away then jumped off the bed, and gave me another look...I shamefully turned away

CREAMY: look am very sorry, I didn't mean to touch you, its not intentional....❣

NAA DROMOR: its not your fault, its mine... I started it 

CREAMY: no you didn't ...I...I

NAA DROMOR: creamy stop it OK

He walks around the room looking all confused... I got out of the bed and held him... I succeeded in calming him down... Throughout the rest of the hours left to day break we where both up, lost of words and lying in total silence.. I don't know when sleep engulfed me but the rising sun woke me up....our eyes met when I opened mine from my deep sleep, he smiled at me❣

😍CREAMY: you look more beautiful in your sleep. Been gazing at you all night till this morning I haven't blinked once.... Good morning sleepy head he said to me . Rise and shine .

  I smiled back but didn't reply him..I checked the time and it was half past 8. Mom and Lizzy will be out and about their individual business by now... I wasn't scared at all because I knew they will all be thinking I am locked up in my room as its been the normal routine for the past two weeks. ❣

 After taking my shower, he served me breakfast.. We had a long conversation. I couldn't tell him about my family's little deep dark secret...I was shocked at the secret he broke to me when I inquired about his break up with my cousin.

CREAMY: She disappointed me by aborting my baby when I asked her not to . I was ready to own up responsibility but she gave me no reason. All she wanted was an abortion. I loved your cousin to bits but I had to let her go....❣

   😪Tears coursed down his face, my mouth was wide open in shock, I arched my brow hmmm another breaking news. I just couldn't believe my ears that Lizzy had had an abortion... (Oh my God, this girl is more secretive than I thought) I said that in my mind, I started reflecting on her encounter with the tenant and with Andrew that night .I was deeply lost in thought that I couldn't hear Creamy pour out his soul.❣

     We parked in front of our gate. 

NAA DROMOR: Thank you

CREAMY: Its fine, but you really have to be careful... Anytime you feel like going out call me I will be at your service OK

   🙂We both smiled at each other, he grabbed me by the head and planted a deep kiss for close to five minutes. I felt at his ease in his company . We parted ways after that....❣

   I entered the house, the main door wasn't locked because I knew in their minds I should be in my room... I entered my room and locked myself up...I had smiles all over my face, the kiss was a total mind refreshment...but I still couldn't believe he strongly resisted my seduction... Do men like him still exist?❣

😏A knock came on the door, I didn't want to go open up because I didn't know who that could be, perhaps my mom... But the knock kept coming and I had no choice than to get the door.. I couldn't believe my eyes .We both looked into each other's eyes deeply...

Naa DROMOR; what brings you here? Your wife is not here...

TENANT: I came to see you .

NAA DROMOR: guess you've seen me . You can take your leave now .I don't have all day to stand and stare. He drew closer . He was overstepping his boundary .

 😥He pushed the door open wide and entered the room. My heart started racing wondering what he was here to do if not my mom .He pushed me to the wall and tried caressing me, I fought back even though he was stronger than I was. I felt drained of all my energy but I managed to escape from his grip. I landed a slap on his face out of anger... He pushed me to the wall again .I tried to free myself again but this time the grip was stronger, he held me by the neck against the wall, threatening me not blow air about our affair else he will kill me .

I couldn't move anymore because I was getting weaker by each second. He started kissing me... I begun praying for rescue in my mind... Somebody come save me (God what do I do), I was gradually loosing strength, my sight became blurred and my feet became cold, from nowhere I felt an adrenaline rush run through me, I kicked his balls so hard with all my energy reserve, he screamed so loud and quickly let go of me. I fell on the ground feeling totally weak. I watched him groan in pain as he held his balls while clinging to the wall. I leaned against the wall too watching him get up slowly I begun to panic, he got up on his feet and gave me a angry look . ❣

He took a step towards me, I got more frightened, my body became totally cold, my mind started roaming like ROM out of fear as he walked towards me still holding his balls and groaning in pain .❣ 

I reached for a mug from the dinning table, as he got a bit closer and tried to hold me I slipped from his hand and hit his head hard with the mug. Just then Lizzy entered......Guess what happened 


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