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I paused to look at the intruder. Who could possibly be interrupting the session?
NAA DROMOR: Creamy?..
I know you are confused and asking who Creamy is; he's Lizzy's secret boyfriend whom my mom never knew about.
I got to know because, his younger brother was in my class & he used to send letters through his brother to me to be given to Lizzy... He's a thick tall guy just like Andrew, a bit muscular than him  and has a brighter complexion as compared to Andrew... He's hair looked sleek ,his eyes looked small , bright and shiny white, but had thick lips and a well shaped mustache...aside that he's a calm, simple and a gentle guy just like Andrew....

CREAMY: what are you doing here...?
 Before I could explain anything, he pushed the young man and landed a blow on his face, the young man fell on the wall, he tried to get up on his feet by holding the wall.I was frightened and to flee from the scene, I quickly picked my shorts to put on . I had not taken the whole shorts down so I quickly slipped my other leg into it, Creamy held me by the hand and brought me out of the washroom looking so furious... From nowhere the young man hit him from behind, he retaliated which resulted into a brutal exchange.
Creamy had the young man on the floor,  landing countless blows on his face, he begun bleeding from the mouth... From nowhere, other two boys approached him trying to fight him.... One guy broke a bottle, and the other one pulled out a knife, I got frightened, everybody in the club started running helter skelter, the ladies screamed... the alcohol in my system vanished at once... I didn't know what to do or where to go, I was confused... The guy armed with the knife cut Creamy in his palm which resulted into heavy bleeding... He quickly gripped me firmly by my wrist and started running as fast his legs could carry while I followed in suit .
The guys chased us till they could no longer reach our track... He pushed me into his car then drove off as if we were robbers being chased by the police...It was quarter past 1am,we drove through the streets of Accra, i refused to go home when he opted to, so we ended up in his house... I sat on his bed still drenched in fear.I looked around his well decorated room, the clean creamy colored painting on the wall and the silky purple colored curtains were neatly rolled down the window... His shoes were well arranged and his cloths well ironed and hanged....... His clean white shirt was stained in blood, i offered to help him dress his injury but he refused, i could sense some kind of anger and an echo of pain in his heavy voice... Out of guilt, i tried to explain myself...

CREAMY: shhh.... go take a shower and have a sleep i will drive you home in the morning...
Everything that happened in the club kept resonating in my eyes were bloodshot but I couldn't close them that night..
hmmmm.... Creamy joined me in the bed room, he had a towel around his waist, i watched him dress up in the mirror and I can't deny admiring his body from a distance, I watched him as he dropped his towel...Even though his back was facing me I could see his front view through the mirror. He covered his cock with his two hands when he caught me watching him...

CREAMY: thought you were asleep?
NAA DROMOR: no! sleep has fled away from me .
For the first time that night he smiled... I watched him put on his boxer shorts..I kept stealing glances at his lower part if I could still locate his cock...he picked one of the pillows and placed it on the floor leaving me to enjoy the bed alone... I was wondering why he didn't want to sleep next to me....I was lonely and i wanted to get close but I was scared because he seemed to be a strict guy... I mastered the courage, stepped down the bed.. I realized he was fast asleep, i woke him up and lied about being scared... He got up from the floor, asked me to lie down, he covered me with his big clean fluffy bed sheet then lay next to me.... In less than 10 minutes he was fast asleep, i could hear his heavy breathing, his breath was so fresh, i kept starring without blinking and admiring him whiles he slept, i couldn't help myself, i started kissing him, he didn't retaliate, shifted closer and gave him a deeper kiss.. He now returned a kiss without opening his eyes, he held me by the neck and kissed me deeper, the deeper he kisses me the tighter the grip, I held on tight to him too and begun moaning, he opened his eyes finally........

Guess what happened next..Don't miss the next episode

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