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The two men begun arguing..

UNCLE ATO: what do you mean by she's your daughter? What do you mean ?
EDWARD: she my daughter . I will not allow you take her away..
We all looked at the two men face dropped.. I could no longer bear their "foolish" act
NAA DROMOR: enough! Enough. The three of you have cost so much pain in my life.
I raised my voice and broke down again, I started waking my mom up..
NAA DROMOR: Mom wake up... Wake up and tell me which among these two men is my father...
TENANT: no I am...
NAA DROMOR: you shut up.. What kind of father will look into her daughter's face and have sex with her...
Now everybody looked on surprisingly.. I was pushed to the wall this time and busted out the truth without a second thought .
CREAMY: what are you saying Naa
NAA DROMOR: this man claiming to be my father has had sex with my entire family.. My mom, my self, Lizzy and even the house help !!
They all shouted at the news..
ASANTEWAA : this is an abomination...
RAY: Evil.. This is a nasty secret..
UNCLE ATO: Naa, he is not your father...
ANDREW: you two are confusing us... What is going on here?
I have never seen two men fighting over a child. This a big disgrace to my mom . I wish she was alright to witness all these . Uncle Ato dragged me from my seat angrily as if I had done something wrong. He unzipped my dress and pulled it down. I was tried to cover my breast in the act but he stripped me leaving me with my bra and my underpants. He turned my body from left to right and right to left . He took off my bra, I quickly held the cap so I don't end up looking naked. He points at the side of my left breast... (My birth mark)
UNCLE ATO: take a look at this..
He pulled Andrew and pulled his shirt off, he lifts his singlet to his chest level and pointed to Andrew's left armpit. My heart skipped beat . Reflected on the first day we made love . I saw the black mark, but never took note of it . Uncle Ato quickly took off his T-shirt then his singlet then pointed at his left armpit...
UNCLE ATO: Edward, tell me which side of your body we can find this mark? This mark has been a mark in my family, we all have it and I knew I was surely going to find my daughter one day...
Andrew and I looked at each other . I started weeping . Uncle ATO tried to hold me but I didn't let him . Andrew couldn't control his tears either, he looked miserable . He started fighting himself and hitting the wall . Brian and Creamy rushed to him and held him down. He was wailing more than I was and no one understood..
CREAMY: Calm down Andy . Its a good thing you found your sister .
ANDREW; I wish I didn't know about this secret . I wish this day never came.. I wish I never met my sister..
ASANTEWAA: don't say that Andrew...
ANDREW: you won't understand . You won't understand...
His father tried to hold him but he refused and warned him to stay away from him.
CREAMY: Andrew, you really have to pull yourself together, he might have hidden that from you for a reason, maybe he was waiting for the right time...
ANDREW: that right time has caused me a lot . I have already had sex with my sister.
Brian looked at me as tears rolled down his cheeks he's the only one who knew about Andrew and I. Asantewaa covered her mouth and Creamy looked away . That was the biggest blow for the night . Uncle Ato leaned against the wall shedding tears.. Nobody said anything . It was a sorrowful and a shameful moment.
Just then the machines started beeping faster, that took everybody's attention... Suddenly my mom begun moving on the bed, we all watched her...

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