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The sight of my son whom I haven't set eyes on after he was born sent a sharp pain through my heart. I was a total stranger to him because the last time I set eyes on him, he was only a day old. I buried my face in shame and disappointment for not playing a fatherly role to him. Your grandfather gave me a room full of advice , the dos and don'ts of being a single father as he has single handedly raised your mother and your aunty. I considered his advise gold nuggets . My only biggest challenge was who to take care of him whiles am away, your grandfather volunteered and appointed your mother to take full custody of Andrew as she was always home after school doing nothing. And that was how it all started..
Everybody watched and listened to him with rapt attention .
UNCLE ATO: Your mother became a mother to Andrew, she cared for him like her own even though she was ignorant about motherhood. Andrew did nothing without her, they were amazing pair.
One beautiful night, I returned home to find your mother and my son fast asleep on my bed, it was already late and didn't want to wake her up. I joined them on the bed after shower . I couldn't resist watching her beautiful and innocent face whiles asleep. The ring tone of my phone woke her up, she wanted to leave because she was scared of her old man but I refused, we sat on my bed and had a long convo, out of the blues I started kissing her and we ended up making love. After that day sex became a regular activity for us , anywhere and anytime, in the shower, in the porch, in their living room when the house is quiet and even in the garden. It was always a sweet moment with her and my love for her grew bigger day by day. My intension towards her was positive and I was ready to own up every responsibility that came with it .
Months elapsed ,I travelled to the village to visit my mom with my son for a week, the day before the day I will return home . I received a call from Edward during my visit . He broke the news to me that your mother was pregnant, he said a whole lot to me that your grandfather is sending soldiers to come for me . He has threatened to kill me and because of that he had run away from the house. I got scared and needed to secure my life and that of my son. I tried to reach your mother but I didn't get in touch . I changed my line and never returned to Accra . I couldn't complete my national service. My aunty who was living in the state immediately sent my son and I an invitation, we quickly processed our documents and flew out of the country.
My friend here whom I've always gotten in touch with told me your grandfather threw your mom out of the house when he found out she was pregnant. I sent him money to get her a house. I sent him money almost every month to keep up your mom till she gave birth to you . I asked him to take care of my family which is you and your mom because I know one day I will come for you two . I have always had you and your mother in mind and I knew that a day will come when your mother will understand me and why I fled . I knew she was angry with me because she thought I was irresponsible.
NAA DROMOR: What are you trying to tell me .
ANDREW: daddy, are you saying Naa is your daughter?
He nodded several times. We looked at each other in shock. (Abomination !! God, I've had sex with my blood) I said in my mind. There was tension in the ward. Nobody knew the secret between my brother and I . Just then Edward spoke!
TENANT: she is not your daughter. She is mine. I slept with her mom whiles you were away, it was after our intercourse that she got pregnant. I couldn't accept it because of her father .
What is happening? What am I hearing? Mom wake up and tell me all that am hearing is a joke.. I cried out looking miserable...

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