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I thought deeper and deeper as Dr. Anderson narrated my mum's escapade . I know he was thinking I was sad for my mom but little did he know that I had endangered my poor little life and that had got me thinking .
Dr. Anderson: I know this is a hard time for you but you need to know so you can put your mom on check.
It was good after all, to me it was a highlight on my ignorance. I entered the ward only to find Andrew holding on tight to his father crying on his shoulder whiles the others watched them. I walked slowly back to take my seat . I watched my mom closely as she lay straight on the bed with her eyes closed . The Dr.'s words kept resounding in my mind, from nowhere tears trickled down my cheek .
ASANTEWAA : you really have to put yourself together Naa.. Your mom will surely wake up.
RAY: Baby you are breaking my heart with those tears, every drop of your tears causes nothing but pain in my heart.. Please pull yourself together.
Brian and Creamy stared at me, my "supposed" step father sat in a distance still robbing his nose with the ice, while Andrew still sobbed on his father's shoulders...
ANDREW: She's gone father. My wife to be is gone. Why me Lizzy why ?
Creamy held Andrew, he hugged him and tried to calm him down. Finally Uncle Ato spoke.
UNCLE ATO: are you happy now? You've cause me and my family so much pain and sorrow.
That ridiculous line got us all suspicious as he looked straight at Edward.
ANDREW: What do you mean by you and your family?
NAA DROMOR: You two know each other
He nods several times
TENANT: Ato, you don't to have to do this, this is not the right time.
The two men got us wondering and more suspicious .
NAA DROMOR: Uncle Ato please is there something we need to know?
UNCLE ATO: yes there's a lot you two should know...
He pointed at Andrew and I, that got me scared, for a minute I forgot about my mother's plight and with rapt attention got poised to listen to what Uncle Ato had to spill. All of us watched Uncle Ato as tears run down his cheeks .
UNCLE ATO: This man right here was my very good friend. We were friends from child hood, we attended the same school and gradually grew from being friends to brothers. During my second year in the university I impregnated my girlfriend who refused to abort the baby. She gave birth to a young boy who happens to be Andrew right here.
He pointed at Andrew. The ward was quiet, everybody seem to have growing interest in what Uncle Ato was saying... He continued
UNCLE ATO: Two year later we were both posted to Accra for our national service. We rented an apartment in your grandfather's house..
He pointed at me. Wait a minute, this is getting more interesting ..
UNCLE ATO: Your grand father was a retired soldier, he was popularly known as "Sergeant Pepper", he was a very strict man and was feared by many because of his guiding principles.. He had two daughters, Lizzy's mother Peggy and your mother who was the youngest. Your grandfather became my friend, he always advised me . He took me as a son because he liked the way I carried myself . You are a principled man just like me. That's what he usually said about me to all who came to him when I happen to be at home . Simple and gentle because of his strictness everybody feared to go near his two daughters even me who was close to him.. Your mother was just 17 by then, very beautiful, humble, respectful and innocent. You are a true replica of your mom when she was your age.
He said looking deep into my eyes... He continued
UNCLE ATO: anytime your mother passes by us when your grand father and I were having conversation he will pause and smile . The next thing he will say is " that is your future wife" that always made me smile. My friend right here was picking on the soldier's two daughters, his aim was to simply get into their pants. Your grand father never liked him, he was very cute, let me say he was the ladies man, "the playboy of our time" . Changing ladies almost everyday, perhaps that was what put the old man off about him. I had a lot of respect for the old man and his two daughters because they were the apple of his eye and since he took me as a son I never wanted to put my finger in his eye.
One fine afternoon, I returned from work very tired . I rushed home just to have a cold shower and a good rest after a stressful day at work, I got home only to find my three years old little boy seated in my porch all alone with his school bag....


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