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Just as I was about breaking the suspicious silence, Dr Anderson and his assisted nurses came in. They did their usual check on her, my mom was still not up from her slumber.
Dr. Anderson: Naa excuse me let me have a word with you.
I quickly followed him outside. Dr. Anderson has been my mom's personal Dr. for many years which I never knew because she never made me know her ups and downs..
Dr. Anderson : Do you know your mother is very sick?
NAA DROMOR: yes! Is that why she's still not waking up from her sleep?
Dr. Anderson: she's not asleep, she's in coma. But that not what am talking about. Did she ever mention to you that she was sick?
NAA DROMOR: not at all, she was always looking healthy and strong . I've never seen her fall sick.
He smiled at me..
Dr. Anderson : I see . I would want you to go home and check through her bags . She has a couple of laboratory reports I need to make reference to .
NAA DROMOR: sure, will do that right away.
Creamy, Asantewaa and Ray decided to go home with me whiles the others stay back.
It was past 8pm and the house was quiet as usual . I quickly rushed into my mom's room only to find Deemah on her bed, comfortably sleeping. I slapped her thighs so hard .
NAA DROMOR: what are you doing in my mom's room, on her bed.
DEEMAH: who are you to question me?
I ignored her totally, started rummaging through my mom's bags that was the most important thing at that time and I was surely going to deal with her later. Finally I found a brown envelope with the hospital logo on it . I knew that was what Dr. Anderson wanted . I found some drugs and took them along . I rushed out of the room to meet them outside just as I got to Lizzy's door I heard her phone ringing.
Her door has been closed since her demise . None of us has been able to enter, her ring tone sent chills down my spine . I had wanted to ignore but I was wondering who could be calling her phone . I entered her room only to find her bed sheet soaked in blood, sanitary towels soaked in blood and scattered on the floor. I was drenched in pain and sadness, fear gripped me . I quickly grabbed her phone as it rung again , there I saw the drugs she administered scattered in front of the dressing mirror . I dashed out of her room because the whole place smell bad , just as I stepped out I started throwing up. They all ran to me . Creamy held me . They put me back into the car and off to the hospital he drove.
I handed over the envelope to the Dr.
Dr. Anderson: I will join you soon..
CREAMY: Who is Edward Nortey?
He asked in a commanding voice as I entered the ward. I was quite shocked at his question . I noticed he had Lizzy's phone. (Oh no, I might have dropped it in the car as I alighted) . I said that in my mind.
CREAMY: Who is Edward Nortey?
He yelled !! I noticed he was having Lizzy's phone. ( gosh! I might have dropped it in a car as i alighted) Everybody stared at him, I wasn't ready to talk because I knew he had found something on the phone. (What could that be anyway) I tried to take the phone from him but he held my hand and asked softly.
CREAMY: Do you know who Edward Nortey is?
I looked him in the eye then pointed at at my "supposed" step father. He dropped the phone on the floor disassembling it . He dragged and hooked him by his shirt looking like a wild beast . Asantewaa reached for the phone and fixed it . Everyone present was wondering what he saw . Andrew and Brian quickly moved towards him to disengage them .
CREAMY: How dare you, how dare you..
He yelled, he refused to talk either, all he did was stare at him in an angry mood sweating all over. Andrew snatched the phone from Asantewaa as she read the messages displayed on the phone. Uncle Ato seem unconcerned about the whole issue, he just stood his distance and watched the drama. Andrew slowly dropped the phone on the table, he walked about the ward quiet and confused as if he was looking for a lost item. Before we all realized he has landed a big blow on Edward's face, ready to land the second one Ray held him from behind and pulled him away
RAY: What is going on . You boys should calm yourselves down . The reason why we are is not accomplished .
CREAMY: and the other reason that made this very reason happen is that this man right here killed Lizzy.
And that was the biggest news of the night..It wasn't as if I didn't know, but the sound of that statement pieced my heart.
ANDREW: he was sleeping with my wife to be. He got her pregnant forced to abort it .
ASANTEWAA: what kind of father are you? Sleeping with your step daughter?
Now that statement sent guilt to my conscience . (He has slept with me and my entire family . Now one is dead, another is on her sick bed with no hope of her waking up. How will mine be like?) I asked myself. From my distance I watched him wipe the blood from his nose. The Dr. entered again .
Dr. Anderson : I heard voices. What happened to him ?
He asked as he looked at Edward. None of us uttered a word . He ordered the nurse to give him immediate treatment. He invited me again.
Dr. Anderson: your mother has hidden something from you. I think its about time you know that your mother is HIV positive so you can also take caution.
God! That hit me like a cannon ball .
Dr. Anderson: She has been battling the disease for 5 years and has been coming for check ups regularly and taking her drugs that is why she looks healthy..
I was totally lost in thought as he spoke to me and explained the details of her ailment to me.. ( if my mom has been a HIV patient for 5 years and am sharing the same man with her what shows I haven't contracted the disease too)

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