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Her heavy fall came unexpected, no one saw it coming. The sound of her heavy fall attracted the attention of everybody present , I started shouting her name .
NAA DROMOR: Mom, mom..
Andrew held her shouting .
ANDREW: Bring water!
Just then Deemah came out of her room, dressed in a very hot mini skirt and a sleeveless top exposing almost all her breast . She wasn't in a black outfit like we were all clothed in . Like I said she cared less about what had befallen my family.
NAA DROMOR: Dee please bring water..
I yelled! She looked at me for a while
DEEMAH: you need water? Don't you know your way to the kitchen? Oh wait! Have you lost your legs? Or your arms?
Her words shocked me, just then Asantewaa pushed her out of the way and handed over the bowl of water to Andrew . She walked away unconcerned. My mom didn't wake up after several wash with the water on her face. Some suggested we smear garlic and grounded onion on her face. That wasn't enough to revive my mom from her stupor. Everybody watched on looking disturbed. But what shocked me the most was the fact that Uncle Ato and my "supposed" step father stood still gazing at each other .
BRIAN: Let's take her to the hospital.
NAA DROMOR: mom please don't do this to me, this is too much for me to bear.
I broke down in tears . Ray and Asantewaa held me trying to calm me down while the guys carried my mom into Uncle Ato's car . Andrew took the keys from his father and turned on the ignition . Uncle Ato took the front seat whiles I took the rear seat with my mom . Ray, Asantewaa and Brian followed in Brian's car.
These three friends have shown me love and support from day one when my problems started but there was something missing. Creamy! . I gave my phone to Asantewaa and asked her to call Creamy. I couldn't help myself watch my mom lie helpless on the bed with her eyes still closed not having the slightest idea of what was happening to her. Uncle Ato watched us from a distance with hopes that my mom will come back from her unconsciousness.
In no time Creamy rushed in . He met Uncle Ato at the entrance . They exchanged pleasantries and he pointed to my direction as they spoke at the entrance. He looked at me from his track . I couldn't help myself than run into his arms sobbing like a baby..
CREAMY: What happened to her? And why are you in black? Why is everyone in black? .
NAA DROMOR: Lizzy... Lizzy is dead...
I broke down again.
CREAMY: you are joking Naa .
He said in a trembling voice. He started acting strange walking up and down the ward as if he was looking for a lost item . We all watched him . Suddenly he shouted so loud and that attracted the attention of the nurses on duty and some of the patients who had come for appointment . He hit the door, threw himself on the floor wailing out so loud . Now that was a hard time for all of us.. The only person who didn't know Lizzy at that time was Uncle Ato but the scene was heartbreaking enough to make him cry too. Andrew didn't take it lightly at all. His eyes looked bloodshot red with tears . For me it was unbearable. No one could console his friend . It was like a crying spree.
Who said men don't cry? I've heard that adage several times but Lizzy's demise refuted that saying . Everyone stared at us and some onlookers who were touched watched on wondering what was happening.
The day was over and my mom was still in her unconscious state . None of us was able to take the drinks and food Uncle Ato ordered for us . Visiting time was over and none of us was willing to go home until they saw my mom open her eyes . A nurse suggested that two of us stay behind to monitor her condition . Just as we were deliberating over who leaves and who stays. My "supposed" father entered the ward. He gazed at Uncle Ato and he gazed back at him . We all looked at the two men who have been acting strange since morning. None of them uttered a word to each other but the look on their faces said a lot and am yet to find out.

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