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Her eyes were closed looking fast asleep . My mom rushed to her bed, the nurse on duty stopped us from getting close to her, from a distance I watched the other nurse standing next to her bed discount the IV tubules from her hand, the drip and the blood that was given to her earlier was still at same level , she lay still facing up with her eyes closed... My mom didn't take it easy with the nurse who was blocking us from getting close to my cousin .The Dr. approached us..
Dr: Excuse me, are you Elizabeth Lamptey's mother?
Lizzy was a short name given to her by her late mother.. She's Elizabeth Naa Koshie Lamptey.. She was the apple of her parents eye because she was the only child her parents had after their marriage. Due to that my mom had shared that love her parents would have given her if they were alive .
My mom nodded to the Dr.
Dr: are you aware your daughter had an abortion?
Lord have mercy! My mom exclaimed. I was shocked by the news...
MOM; No Dr, I don't have the slightest idea about it.
Dr: as at now we can't tell what and how she did it but she has lost a lot of blood . And we had already lost her before they arrived.
What the hell does this mean by lost her? My mom shouted so loud slowly going down on her to the floor. The Dr held her. I didn't believe my ears till the nurse finally covered her face with the white bed sheet...
Yes! She's gone. Gone and gone
Forever! The cold hands of death
Has finally arrived at our door step
Who ever thought? Who ever knew?
Who ever dreamt? Who ever saw?
The approach of pain, sorrows and
Agony that had grip our heart today .
She has decided to join her parents.. I've never felt death this close. Tears run down my cheeks watching my cousin lay lifeless on the bed and my mom screaming ,crying and wailing on top of her voice . Brian and the Dr. tried to console my mother. I broke down too .Ray hugged me and all I did was to cry on his shoulders...
In my moms wailing, I heard her shout Andrews' name
MOM: Andrew where are you!
She repeated that severally. That clicked me to call Andrew. His number rung several times without answer .Just as I was giving up on the last call he picked up. I told him to come to the clinic but didn't break the news to him. He insisted on knowing what was happening but I tried to keep the news till I see him.
The nurses were moving up and down giving her her last service. My mom was answering questions from the Dr. while he prepared her documents so she will be sent to the mortuary. Brian was man enough to do all these ups and downs for us since we were both weak to do anything. He knows much about our family because my mom and his mom are best friends and he use to spend his whole day in our house.. Finally the documents were ready . The nurses pushed the stretcher on which her body lay through the corridor when the ambulance arrived. I spotted a taxi enter the hospital, he quickly ran to us. His presence worsened our pain. As he kept asking questions
ANDREW: what is it? Where's Lizzy? What's happening?
Nobody answered him. I pointed to the stretcher as the words couldn't follow . he went to the stretch and pulled off the Bed Sheet.... Indeed! A sorrowful moment it was....
We arrived home safely, the boys didn't leave us because it was a hard time for my family . The house was still quiet.. As we entered the house my mom went straight to the tenant's room . The boys entered our house with us trying to calm me and Andrew down. The sight of her blood stains made me break down the more. Andrew went for the mob and started mobbing the floor. Just then we heard voices. We quickly dashed out. I was shocked at the scene. I don't really know what happened but what I saw was my mom landing a slap on Deemah's face even in grief state and she didn't hesitate to slap my mom back...
DEEMAH: Don't ever raise your hands on me ever again
She strongly warned my mom. My mom went mute suddenly . The house was quiet . No one uttered a word . I went to my mom and held her .
NAA DROMOR: please come with me
MOM: She's sleeping with my husband and she has the guts to talk back at me.
Oh finally! This is the day I've always been praying for..
We kept vigil all night . None of us could sleep and none of the boys went home, my "supposed" father was drenched in shame. Lizzy's death came as a shock to us all. I was shocked how her death had spread like bushfire before morning. The neighbours trooped in and out of our house sharing their condolence. Some stood still in awe and shock at the news . The boys left for their various houses and came back to help our family mourn . Dee walked about the house unconcerned. She didn't ask what happened neither did she care about the death.
Brian, Ray and Asantewaa were with me in my room while my mom was with some family members and some visitors who have heard of Lizzy's sudden death in the living room. My aunty called me to go check who was at the door.. I slowly went to the door and opened it only to see Andrew with uncle Ato.
NAA DROMOR: uncle Ato
We smiled at each other..
UNCLE ATO: you never called as you promised..
ANDREW: you two know each other?
UNCLE ATO: she was the lady I told you you was rapped by some three guys some time ago... Naa that's my son
I was torn between happiness and shock. I quickly made them in . I gave them seat around the dinning table since the living room was full. I went to call my mom and she hastily followed me . Just as she set her eyes on uncle Ato my mom fainted....

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