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I have never experienced this kind of mixed feeling. Didn't know which one to pick either to laugh or cry.. I watched him put on his clothes .He was given a book and a pen to sign. I didn't know what that meant. I stood in a distance and watched on. He shook hands with the police men and Uncle Ato then turned to my direction, we looked at each other in the eyes...I tried to smile but my eyes became teary .I went down on my knees holding his two legs sobbing like a baby. He held me up and hugged me passionately shedding tears in unison. Everybody present got emotional including the police men...Uncle Ato drove us straight to Creamy's house.
    We parked in front of his house, 
CREAMY: thank you very much Uncle Ato...
UNCLE ATO:  don't mention... I will be calling to check up on you every now and then 
    I watched the two men talk at the front seat, my eyes were still watery as I watched Creamy talk to the man.
UNCLE ATO: take this, keep it on you.. 
     Uncle Ato handed him an undisclosed sum of money to Creamy, he forced him to accept it as he tried to reject it..
CREAMY: thank you sir....I appreciate 
    I had wanted to stay with him but Uncle Ato refused .I stepped out of the car and hugged him...
NAA DROMOR: am deeply sorry ..
CREAMY: Shh... You did nothing wrong... I call it sacrifice...
    He looked deep into my eye but said nothing 
CREAMY: I miss you.... Very much 
   I was speechless, he placed my head on his broad chest holding the back of my head whiles petting me with his other palm at my back .My eyes met with that of Uncle Ato, he smiled at me and I smiled back.
CREAMY: go home and get some rest I will call you.
    He opened the front door for me, Uncle Ato turned on the ignition and off we went....
UNCLE ATO: Is that your boyfriend ?
NAA DROMOR: no please....we are friends .
UNCLE ATO: do you love him? 
   That was a big question for me to answer. I was confused and went totally mute for sometime.. He looked at me and smiled...
NAA DROMOR: I don't know what you mean by love him. I've never loved somebody and I don't know how it feels to be loved...
UNCLE ATO: that young man loves you. He has a good heart. If he should ask u out don't hesitate to accept him, he can take very good care of you. Am a man and I know a good one when I see one.
     I smiled because I know all he's was saying was true. We drove through the streets of Accra, stopped at a fast food, bought food and finally parked in front of my gate. He gave me a sum of money to keep on myself.  I was shocked . I have never held such huge sum of money before...( this man must really be rich) I said that in my mind.
UNCLE ATO: keep this on you. I will be checking on you from time to time. Call me if you need anything . I need you to take very good care of yourself.
NAA DROMOR: thank you Uncle Ato...
    He smiled at me, I stepped out of the car and watched him drive off. I entered the house and I just couldn't believe my eyes. Deemah stepping out of my "so called father's " room. I halted in my track and watched her but she seem not to care about me seeing her. She still walked on into the main house in her short, flowery colored straight dress shaking her beautiful round buttocks to my face.. (I know this man is busily having sex with this girl) I said that to myself, no doubt about  that. No lady enters that man's room and comes out untouched.. I said that to myself whiles entering the house. We exchanged glances. I didn't want to question her but my conscience won't let me....
NAA DROMOR:  Dee... Are you sleeping with my father?  
       I call her Dee because it sounds casual  and ladylike in my ears and I can bet she feels good being called by that name for short..
DEEMAH: No... I told you before
NAA DROMOR: so what were you doing....
DEEMAH: I only took his lunch to him...
     She cut in before I could finish with my question... I entered my room and locked myself up.....
      Later that night after dinner, just some few minutes past 9 when they had all retired to bed already. I kept rolling on my bed, reflecting on what Uncle Ato had discussed with me about Creamy, all I felt like doing at that time was just being in his arms... I quickly got off my bed changed into my a jumpsuit, polished my face a bit and balmed my lip. I took a few notes from the sum of money that uncle Ato had given me earlier in the day , my cell phone and stepped out . I flagged down a passing  a taxi and jumped into it after telling the driver my destination without negotiating the fare. I tried calling him several times but it was to no avail. 
   Finally I was at Creamy's house, I opened the door after several knocks . I noticed the lock on the door was broken . I bounced my head back in awe . I was getting frightened . (oh my God, I hope he's OK) I spoke to myself, my heart started racing . I mastered the courage to push the door open.... Now this got me more tensed.. His living room was in a total mess, his sofa had been pushed far from its normal position. The television was on the floor, knives and a couple of kitchen tools were scattered all over the floor.. I begun to fear the more, looking around if I was safe as well, I hastily entered his bed room....
   Oh God have mercy on me.... You won't believe what I saw.....


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