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I have never fallen in love, neither do I know how it feels to be broken hearted but I can bet for the first time I had a feel of it... My heartbeat increased in speed . It turned numb that it could no more carry my body and all I felt like doing was sitting on the floor. I stood close to the door watching Creamy wind his waist , thrust in and out on a lady in total nakedness, he was sweating all over like he been running miles . I could see his veins draw on his tough body. I could feel the passion with which he sex her from the way the lady had gripped the bed sheet with her fingers tightly, the way he had held her firmly and from the way they both moan so loud. What amazed me most was when my eye balls met with that of the anonymous lady.

NAA DROMOR: Lizzy !!

    Creamy watched my direction and bowed in shame .

NAA DROMOR: Creamy....

       I called in a soft and trembling voice. Before I could finish my statement tears rolled down my cheeks and that got me lost for words. Lizzy covered her body with the clean white bed sheet whiles I watch Creamy put on his boxer pant. I angrily walked out as fast as my legs could carry me . I heard a footsteps following in suit behind me but didn't stop to look . He pulled me by my hand and went down on his knees.

CREAMY: I don't know what to say but am sorry Naa, it is not intentional. She showed up here uninvited .I didn't know what came over me...

    I felt the vibration in his voice as he tried to explain himself. I turned to his direction and looked at him in the eye. They looked bloodshot red.

CREAMY: am sorry Naa, am sorry..Naa I...

    Before he could finish his statement Lizzy stormed out of the room shouting at me .

LIZZY: have you come here to seduce him . He won't fall for your cheap snare . Can't you for once control your libido? 

       I didn't want to say anything because I've always respected her as my elder sister but she was getting on my nerves. She hailed insults at me that got me more furious . I had no choice than retaliate even though Creamy tried preventing me.

NAA DROMOR: you should be ashamed of yourself Lizzy, I know what you are about . Trust me it won't work.

CREAMY: you two should stop this, you are disturbing my neighbors.....

     Creamy prevented me from going close to her, he tried to calm me down but my temper was too hot to be cooled. She still poured painful insults on me...

NAA DROMOR: You lured him into your bed because you wanted him to own up to your shameful growing baby in your womb because you know he's will not deny you like my step father....

    Now that was the biggest punch I threw to her face .Creamy bounced his head back in surprise to take a clearer look at us while she shamefully looked away... 

CREAMY: what! 

NAA DROMOR: you heard me right..... Time to get the skeletons out of the closet.

     There was total silence in the house. I walked out on them , hoped into the oncoming taxi after flagging it down at the junction. I broke down totally sobbing helplessly like a baby as I reflected on what had just happened . 

     I paid the driver after we pulled down in front of my house.

DRIVER: my dear, you need to take heart. I don't know what the situation is but hey you are in control of your emotions and its your decision to either let it get or fight it. Remember it will destroy you if you let it get to you. Don't forget there's always something good out of every bad situation, hold up to the good one and bury the rest. Be strong and move on. Have a good night.

    I was shocked to my bone. I watched him drive off . His advice hit me like bullets . Quite painful but encouraging .I entered the house .I knew my mom will be asleep so I didn't bother to check around . Moreover I had so many things running through my mind so I didn't even watch around if anyone was watching.

    I slowly pushed the main door which was half way closed open wide and closed it gently behind me walking slowly through the dark . I entered my room , closed the door slowly so not to make noise and call for attention and turned on the light...


       I was frightened to see my mom seated on my bed in the dark


MOM: where are you coming from? 

    She asked angrily.... I was nervous . I wasn't smart enough today but what I know is the moment you are nervous you begin to fumble so even when you telling the truth it might sound like a lie . I was still dumb as she repeatedly asked me where I was coming from. From nowhere she landed two stroke of cane on my left arm . I rob it to cool down the pain . Jeez! I didn't see that coming. I screamed and dashed out of my room , through the main door then to the compound. She followed me shouting on top of her voice.

MOM: don't you dare get out of this house . If you do don't step foot in this house again.

       I was shocked at my mom's action . She has never raised a finger on me why now. I stood in a distance watching her rebuke me, reminding me of my absentee and irresponsible father and how she had toiled to single handedly raise me up. Just then Lizzy entered the house 

LIZZY: what's happening here?

MOM: ask your sister... She sneaked out of this house and now returning home . If not for her father who raised my ears on her sneaking out , I would have been thinking she was asleep mean while she was out there doing only God knows what.

       What! This man again? He has stepped on the lion's tail. I will surely strike him.

LIZZY: no mom.. That's not true .Andrew wanted me to bring him some documents he left with me the last few days . I felt it was late and couldn't go alone so I asked her to accompany me. 

     My mom went mute suddenly . I was still crying . I looked at the mark of the cane on my arm .

LIZZY: mom you shouldn't have lashed her . She's no more a baby . At least you should have questioned her before taking any action .

    She attacked my mom angrily .

MOM: I was angry after he broke the news to me..

LIZZY: So you trust your husband more than your daughter? 

    She bowed in shame. Lizzy wrapped her hands around my neck and consoled. She walked me to the main house, my mom tried to hold me but I didn't allow her. Just as we were about to enter the house , the tenants door turned opened, it caught our attention. We all turned to his direction and guess what?  Deemah was coming out from his room whiles the tenant watched from afar..

   Both of them halted at their paces when they saw us unexpectedly at the entrance of the house...(I smiled in my head) .


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