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I was totally taken away by the pleasure as I enjoyed his strong bangs in the sofa. I didn't notice Creamy's presence because Alex had blocked my view. Suddenly he pulled out his cock with force . I got frightened upon seeing Creamy. He landed a blow on Alex's face, he fell heavily into the sofa holding and covered his nose at the same time groaning in pain. That sweet feeling I had a few minutes ago vanished within a twinkle of an eye . And all I had left within was fear and shame. As if that wasn't enough Creamy gripped him by his well ironed T-shirt off the sofa and landed another blow on his face.. He fell on the wall, he followed with series of blows, my heart begun beating fast, my feet turned cold. The groaning of the young man got me shivering out of fear. I moved close to him and held him trying to stop him from hurting Alex. He pushed me away and ended up on the sofa too..
NAA DROMOR: Creamy...
CREAMY: Hold it!
He yelled at me. For the first time he yelled at me.. He walked around the living room looking confused with tears running down his cheeks. Alex crawled on the floor with blood dripping from his nostrils with his hand covered to his nose. My heart started racing faster, I felt like holding him but not now...
NAA DROMOR:Am sorry..
I said in a trembling voice. He was sweating all over, and looked very scary so I didn't want to go close to him. I leaned against the wall watching him rub his hands through his hair in shame and regret.
CREAMY: No its my fault. I trusted him as a friend . If I knew he was going to take advantage of your weakness I wouldn't have discussed you with him.
I was a bit confused about what he was trying to say.
NAA DROMOR: What are you saying.
He looked at me. I got frightened because all I saw on his face was vengeance.
CREAMY: I invited him here so he can assist me tell you how sorry I was for what happened the other time and to also meet you for the first time, He's my best friend, we don't hide anything from each other. We discussed you sometime ago and he even advised me to let you go because you will surely cheat on me but I wasn't ready to let you go. I told him severally that I believe you are going to change. I've always trusted him...
Before he could finish talking tears rolled down my cheeks. (Why me?) I asked myself. I felt sorry for my poor and promiscuous life . I watched him and his injured friend on the floor but said nothing still leaning against the wall. Finally Alex spoke.
Alex: Am sorry. It wasn't intentional .
I just couldn't control myself watching him. Creamy watched us and said nothing. I moved close to him and went on my knees , he watched me in the eye .
CREAMY: You've disappointed me Naa.. I've been silently watching you. Giving you room to change . What is it wrong with you . Tell me.. Couldn't you have controlled yourself . That's my friend for God's sake.
His words pierced through my heart like as if pieces of broken bottle were being thrown to my heart. I broke down into uncontrollable tears.. He watched me
NAA DROMOR: Am sorry. Am sorry.. This is what I've been for the past years. An addict. I've slept with so many men and boys that I can't even count. You don't deserve me . But please don't let go off me. He watched me but said nothing. I was so sad and disappointed in myself. I thought it will be right to tell him about my past..
I was too little to understand why my mom didn't like me.. As little as I was at age 6 she will lock me up in the room and go out for hours.. I will be gripped with fear and sometimes sleep off... She did this to me for years so I became used to it . I could stay indoors for a very long time provided I have everything within the house. When I turned 10 I saw her come home with different men.. All kind of colors, looks and stature . She will lock me up in my room and warn me to stay there till she asks me to come out. My mom was like an enemy.. We hardly talk. We don't even see eye to eye . Until one night I mastered the courage to ask her why she hated me .
MOM: I had you when I was 17. My parent sent me out of the house when they found out I was pregnant and I wasn't ready to tell them who was responsible. I was protecting him because he was a student. My father is a retired soldier and I know what he can do to him. I stayed with my friend till I gave birth to you. Since then I have never set eyes on your father.
NAA DROMOR:Is that why you treat me like an adopted child?
She was ashamed by my question. Since that evening she begun caring for me and putting smile on my face. But I was waiting for that day when I will ask her why she brings different men to the house . I was too young to understand..
One sunny afternoon when I returned from school , I heard voices murmuring .It followed with loud groans and moans. So I decided to check what was happening... I followed the sound and noticed it was coming from my mom's room.. I walked to the door and stood for a while, I opened the door and that was it....

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