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I begun shivering, watching him take off his cloths .I pleaded for mercy but he turn deaf ear , he dragged me out of the dusty sofa, placed me on the bare floor and begun taking off my cloth. I beg for mercy but he didn't even want to hear me talk. I tried to struggle with him but the two boys held my two hands, One of the guys tore my panty, the other two boys held me by my leg as I still struggled with him to be freed. He forced his cock into my dry kitty, I felt a sharp pain and for the first time I felt a terrible pain in between my thigh, I screamed and wept but he had no mercy. The other two guys also had their way with me in turns, for close to 3 hours these boys sexed me.. I couldn't feel my legs anymore, all I felt was pain in between my thigh.... After that they all fell asleep on the bare floor .

  The room was very dusty, there was only one sofa at the center which was also covered by a film of dust, a big table was set aside and on it were a couple of empty bottles, used condoms, pisses of papers and pieces of smoked weed part. Their cloths scattered all around, the whole place smelled like dead rat. The interior of the room did not match its exterior .My eyes were wide open. I watched the guys as they sleep. I slowly crawled to the door .The pain was excruciating than I could ever imagine. I mastered courage to open the door slowly which wasn't locked . Slowly I crawled out of the room  then managed my way out of the house. The street was quiet, I tried to lift my self up to walk but I fell .I groaned in pain and  shed tears. From nowhere the headlight from an on coming vehicle threw it beam on me . I tried to stop it occupant as it got close by waving .I missed it . I couldn't  move any further after several minutes of crawling and dragging my butt down the road . I sat by the roadside in anticipation that a good Samaritan will show up . Suddenly a plush BMW saloon car pulled up by my me, a dark looking bushy bearded man came out of the car and run towards me . He interrogated me. After minutes of not been able and willing to talk to him he carried me into car realizing I crippled and was groaning out of pain . Off we drove to the hospital. He still questioned my identity and how I ended up at the roadside at that godly hour...I then realized I was bleeding when I tried to adjust myself to sit up in the car, I was soaked in blood.... I cried out of pain, the man double the speed at the same time trying to calm me down . I begun feeling dizzy... From there I didn't know what happened next......

       I opened my eyes to see myself in a hospital bedridden with a mask on my face while undergoing oxygen supply. The IV infusion supply was half way through and my cloths have been changed . I was in a hospital gown... A man smiled at me, I don't know who he saw was so I didn't smile back....He called the nurse, she came to inspect my progress and asked how i was feeling .

UNCLE ATO: thank God you are back to life .

NAA DROMOR: who are you? I tried to talk  but my voice went faint. I tried again to find my voice . He pets me on my shoulder and tells me to take it slowly .

UNCLE ATO: my name is Ato, I found you on the street two nights ago in a bad condition so I brought you here for medical attention? 

NAA DROMOR: two nights?

UNCLE ATO: yes, you've been in coma for two days....

   I was shocked to my bone.... We had a long conversation. I tried to recollect the incident . After gaining full cognizance of myself I told him everything that happened.... He wanted to know where my family lives so he can inform them about what had happened to me....I refused on upon several attempts to know about my background .On the third day, he forcefully took the address from me, but I gave him that of Creamy's .

       That night he returned to the hospital with Creamy... For the first time I saw a man cry... I didn't know why he was crying and didn't utter a word either... The man came back to the ward and handed over the receipts and all my drugs to Creamy.. He gave me a sum of money and his complimentary card....

UNCLE ATO: am leaving the country tonight, will be back in two weeks for my son's marriage ceremony, call me if you need anything...I've taken care of all the bills...

   He asked Creamy to take care of me... He sat by me the whole day, I forced him to go home and at least have a shower but he refused... He passed the night in the visitor's chair set next to my bed holding me very tight... I watched him doze on.

   I woke up in the morning to find his chair empty, where could he be.... The nurse assisted me to the bathroom to freshen up ,brought me back to my bed and helped me with my drugs... Just then Creamy entered with a paper bag, he served me with breakfast, he forced me to eat even though I had lost appetite. He made me eat with excitement at a point I forgot my pains and had a broad smile on my face....he planted a kiss on my forehead just then Lizzy and my mom entered the ward with the nurse.....


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